Scopus indexed mechanical engineering journals

List of Scopus indexed mechanical engineering journals. Researchers trust Scopus to provide reliable and comprehensive research performance data and analytics. Scopus is Elsevier’s citation database, launched in 2004. It covers nearly 36,377 journals from approximately 11,678 publishers in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, and health sciences.

This blog post aims to provide a list of mechanical engineering journals indexed in Scopus. We are providing below the top 50 mechanical engineering journals based on their CiteScore. We also describe below, in the Frequently Asked Questions section, how to download the complete list of Scopus indexed mechanical engineering journals.

Top 50 Scopus indexed journals in mechanical engineering

Below we have listed the top 50 Scopus indexed mechanical engineering journals. Many of these research journals are also indexed on the Web of Science. To check the indexing of research journals, visit

S. No.Journal TitleCiteScoreSNIPPublisher
1Nature Materials56.76.833Springer Nature
2Advanced Materials45.63.941Wiley-Blackwell
3Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports41.77.483Elsevier
4Materials Today31.44.906Elsevier
5International Materials Reviews30.36.519Taylor & Francis
6Science Robotics25.75.246American Association for the Advancement of Science
7Nano Letters19.32.079American Chemical Society
8Progress in Aerospace Sciences18.95.815Elsevier
9Applied Energy17.62.696Elsevier
10International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture15.13.473Elsevier
11Composites Part B: Engineering14.52.392Elsevier
132D Materials13.91.402Institute of Physics Publishing
14npj 2D Materials and ApplicationsOpen Access13.91.928Springer Nature
15IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems13.53.204IEEE
16International Journal of Engineering Science13.41.988Elsevier
17Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing13.23.049Elsevier
18Materials and DesignOpen Access13.02.264Elsevier
19International Journal of Robotics Research12.63.436SAGE
20Applied Mechanics Reviews12.03.125ASME
21Advances in Applied Mechanics11.92.167Elsevier
23International Journal of Plasticity11.12.713Elsevier
24Energy and Buildings10.92.129Elsevier
25Proceedings of the Combustion Institute10.52.16Elsevier
26Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering9.92.275Elsevier
27International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer9.61.877Elsevier
28Journal of Materials Science and Technology9.42.147Elsevier
29Scripta Materialia9.41.814Elsevier
30CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology9.23.236Elsevier
31Advances in Nano Research9.11.154Techno Press
32Engineering Science and Technology, an International JournalOpen Access9.02.612Elsevier
33Journal of Alloys and Compounds8.91.38Elsevier
34Nonlinear Dynamics8.91.639Springer Nature
35Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing8.81.973Elsevier
36IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine8.72.366IEEE
37International Journal of Fatigue8.62.292Elsevier
38Optics and Lasers in Engineering8.52.328Elsevier
39Materials Research Bulletin8.40.976Elsevier
40International Journal of Mechanical Sciences8.31.906Elsevier
41Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids8.32.048Elsevier
42Computers and Structures8.01.931Elsevier
43Tribology International8.02.061Elsevier
44Advanced Materials Interfaces7.91.006Wiley-Blackwell
45FrictionOpen Access7.72.758Tsinghua University Press
46International Journal of Impact Engineering7.52.415Elsevier
47Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science7.41.719Elsevier
48International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology7.42.046Springer Nature
49Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME7.41.333ASME
50Structural Health Monitoring7.41.982SAGE
Scopus indexed mechanical engineering journals

Frequently Asked Questions

How to check Scopus indexed journals?

Go to the official website of Scopus and enter a journal title to check its indexing and other details.check Scopus indexed journals

How to get the complete list of mechanical engineering Scopus indexed journals?

Visit the Scopus official website. Choose a Subject area and a value of the subject area from the drop-down boxes and finally click on apply button. For example, I have selected the chemistry subject to get the complete list of Scopus indexed journals in this subject.
download Scopus indexed journals list

Source: Scopus

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