S. No. | Journal Title | SNIP | SJR | Publisher |
1 | Academy of Management Annals | 9.324 | 18.318 | Academy of Management |
2 | Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior | 8.886 | 9.807 | Annual Reviews Inc. |
3 | Journal of Management | 5.756 | 7.491 | SAGE |
4 | International Journal of Management Reviews | 5.548 | 4.475 | Wiley-Blackwell |
5 | International Journal of Information Management | 4.828 | 2.77 | Elsevier |
6 | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | 4.836 | 5.365 | Wiley-Blackwell |
7 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | 4.544 | 3.133 | Elsevier |
8 | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | 4.963 | 5.512 | Springer Nature |
9 | Tourism Management | 4.163 | 3.328 | Elsevier |
10 | International Journal of Project Management | 3.611 | 2.762 | Elsevier |
11 | Brookings Papers on Economic Activity | 7.669 | 7.134 | Brookings Institution Press |
12 | MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems | 3.698 | 5.283 | University of Minnesota |
13 | Academy of Management Journal | 4.233 | 11.193 | Academy of Management |
14 | Journal of International Business Studies | 4.02 | 4.819 | Springer Nature |
15 | Journal of Service Research | 3.968 | 4.434 | SAGE |
16 | Organizational Research Methods | 4.172 | 5.901 | SAGE |
17 | Journal of Business Venturing | 4.268 | 7.107 | Elsevier |
18 | Journal of Travel Research | 3.604 | 3.403 | SAGE |
19 | Leadership Quarterly | 4.326 | 4.989 | Elsevier |
20 | Journal of Cleaner Production | 2.475 | 1.937 | Elsevier |
21 | Journal of Supply Chain Management | 3.053 | 3.75 | Wiley-Blackwell |
22 | Academy of Management Review | 4.281 | 8.446 | Academy of Management |
23 | Strategic Management Journal | 3.882 | 11.035 | Wiley-Blackwell |
24 | Information and Management | 2.946 | 2.147 | Elsevier |
25 | Journal of Marketing | 3.838 | 7.799 | SAGE |
26 | International Journal of Production Economics | 2.792 | 2.406 | Elsevier |
27 | Technological Forecasting and Social Change | 3.037 | 2.226 | Elsevier |
28 | Journal of Consumer Research | 3.985 | 8.916 | Oxford University Press |
29 | Journal of Organizational Behavior | 3.598 | 3.938 | Wiley-Blackwell |
30 | Journal of Retailing | 3.58 | 3.184 | Elsevier |
31 | Omega | 3.112 | 2.5 | Elsevier |
32 | Long Range Planning | 3.072 | 3.852 | Elsevier |
33 | Journal of Interactive Marketing | 2.88 | 2.605 | Elsevier |
34 | Research Policy | 3.663 | 3.666 | Elsevier |
35 | Business Horizons | 2.942 | 2.174 | Elsevier |
36 | Journal of Advertising | 3.957 | 3.092 | Taylor & Francis |
37 | Journal of Information Technology | 3.247 | 1.939 | Springer Nature |
38 | Journal of Innovation and KnowledgeOpen Access | 4.146 | 1.72 | Elsevier |
39 | Knowledge-Based Systems | 2.89 | 1.587 | Elsevier |
40 | Journal of Finance | 6.925 | 18.151 | Wiley-Blackwell |
41 | Business and Society | 2.966 | 2.983 | SAGE |
42 | Human Resource Management Review | 3.375 | 2.549 | Elsevier |
43 | IEEE Communications Standards Magazine | 2.47 | 1.509 | IEEE |
44 | International Journal of Production Research | 2.396 | 1.909 | Taylor & Francis |
45 | Journal of World Business | 2.801 | 3.607 | Elsevier |
46 | International Journal of Operations and Production Management | 2.213 | 2.158 | Emerald |
47 | Journal of Product Innovation Management | 2.67 | 2.646 | Wiley-Blackwell |
48 | Personnel Psychology | 3.719 | 6.076 | Wiley-Blackwell |
49 | Decision Support Systems | 2.582 | 1.564 | Elsevier |
50 | Journal of Management Information Systems | 2.884 | 3.073 | Taylor & Francis |
51 | Technovation | 2.937 | 2.3 | Elsevier |
52 | Business Strategy and the Environment | 2.598 | 2.123 | Wiley-Blackwell |
53 | Journal of Knowledge Management | 2.52 | 1.841 | Emerald |
54 | Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal | 3.242 | 5.061 | Wiley-Blackwell |
55 | Journal of Service Management | 2.537 | 2.658 | Emerald |
56 | Family Business Review | 3.379 | 2.947 | SAGE |
57 | Information and Organization | 2.448 | 3.298 | Elsevier |
58 | Journal of Financial Economics | 5.656 | 11.673 | Elsevier |
59 | Journal of Marketing Research | 3.039 | 6.321 | American Marketing Association |
60 | Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing | 2.316 | 1.856 | Taylor & Francis |
61 | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 2.876 | 2.321 | Elsevier |
62 | International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management | 1.984 | 2.079 | Emerald |
63 | Supply Chain Management | 2.258 | 2.036 | Emerald |
64 | Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review | 2.485 | 2.042 | Elsevier |
65 | International Organization | 4.187 | 5.513 | Cambridge University Press |
66 | Journal of Business Research | 2.852 | 2.049 | Elsevier |
67 | Journal of Intellectual Capital | 2.428 | 1.258 | Emerald |
68 | Journal of Management Studies | 3.037 | 4.398 | Wiley-Blackwell |
69 | Review of Financial Studies | 5.065 | 12.8 | Oxford University Press |
70 | International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management | 1.884 | 1.742 | Emerald |
71 | Journal of Business Ethics | 2.534 | 2.209 | Springer Nature |
72 | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services | 2.534 | 1.568 | Elsevier |
73 | International Business Review | 2.35 | 1.773 | Elsevier |
74 | Industrial Marketing Management | 2.578 | 2.022 | Elsevier |
75 | International Journal of Research in Marketing | 2.984 | 3.725 | Elsevier |
76 | Journal of Destination Marketing and Management | 2.395 | 1.703 | Elsevier |
77 | Journal of Technology Transfer | 2.462 | 1.768 | Springer Nature |
78 | Small Business Economics | 2.704 | 2.202 | Springer Nature |
79 | Big Data Research | 1.611 | 0.565 | Elsevier |
80 | California Management Review | 2.355 | 1.806 | University of California Press |
81 | Current Issues in Tourism | 2.756 | 1.725 | Taylor & Francis |
82 | Journal of Business Logistics | 1.969 | 2.611 | Wiley-Blackwell |
83 | Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management | 1.858 | 1.708 | Taylor & Francis |
84 | Research in Organizational Behavior | 3.666 | 3.962 | Elsevier |
85 | Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice | 2.486 | 2.178 | Elsevier |
86 | Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management | 1.995 | 1.29 | Emerald |
87 | Journal of Vocational Behavior | 2.8 | 2.607 | Elsevier |
88 | ACM Transactions on Information Systems | 2.472 | 0.672 | ACM |
89 | European Research on Management and Business EconomicsOpen Access | 3.259 | 1.024 | European Academy of Management and Business Economics |
90 | Journal of Sustainable Tourism | 2.561 | 1.734 | Taylor & Francis |
91 | Production Planning and Control | 1.866 | 1.331 | Taylor & Francis |
92 | Journal of International Marketing | 2.412 | 2.034 | American Marketing Association |
93 | Journal of Operations Management | 2.47 | 3.649 | Wiley-Blackwell |
94 | Cities | 2.58 | 1.771 | Elsevier |
95 | Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management | 2.277 | 1.519 | Wiley-Blackwell |
96 | International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and Logistics | 1.398 | 1.117 | Taylor & Francis |
97 | International Small Business Journal | 2.14 | 2.075 | SAGE |
98 | Manufacturing and Service Operations Management | 2.841 | 7.372 | Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences |
99 | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research | 2.03 | 1.63 | SAGE |
100 | Journal of Management in Engineering – ASCE | 2.372 | 1.646 | ASCE |