Scopus indexed journals in electrical engineering

List of Scopus indexed electrical engineering journals. Researchers trust Scopus to provide reliable and comprehensive research performance data and analytics. Scopus is Elsevier’s citation database, launched in 2004. It covers nearly 36,377 journals from approximately 11,678 publishers in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, and health sciences.

This blog post aims to provide a list of electrical engineering journals indexed in Scopus. We are providing below the top 50 electrical engineering journals based on their CiteScore. We also describe below, in the Frequently Asked Questions section, how to download the complete list of Scopus-indexed electrical engineering journals.

Top 50 Scopus indexed journals in electrical engineering

Below we have listed the top 50 Scopus indexed electrical engineering journals. Many of these research journals are also indexed in Web of Science. To check the indexing of research journals, visit

S. No.Journal TitleCiteScoreSNIPPublisher
1IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials62.111.397IEEE
2Nature Nanotechnology58.26.143Springer Nature
3IEEE Communications Magazine28.44.04IEEE
4Nature Electronics27.06.656Springer Nature
5Nano Energy25.62.26Elsevier
6IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics23.33.707IEEE
7IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications23.13.538IEEE
8IEEE Wireless Communications21.63.812IEEE
9Proceedings of the IEEE21.64.671IEEE
10IEEE Signal Processing Magazine18.85.373IEEE
11IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics17.83.351IEEE
12IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics17.73.497IEEE
13Materials Horizons17.42.101Royal Society of Chemistry
14Polymer Reviews16.82.886Taylor & Francis
15IEEE Transactions on Robotics16.64.204IEEE
16Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications16.62.274Wiley-Blackwell
17Protection and Control of Modern Power SystemsOpen Access16.15.451Springer Nature
18Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences15.92.599Taylor & Francis
19Nano-Micro LettersOpen Access15.92.052Springer Nature
20IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine15.57.166IEEE
21Progress in Quantum Electronics15.43.656Elsevier
22IEEE Transactions on Power Systems15.32.786IEEE
23IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications15.22.43IEEE
24IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine14.93.679IEEE
25IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing14.92.944IEEE
26npj Flexible ElectronicsOpen Access14.92.036Springer Nature
27IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics14.52.989IEEE
28Journal of Power Sources14.41.607Elsevier
29Nano Research14.41.25Tsinghua University Press
30Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical14.01.395Elsevier
31IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing13.93.236IEEE
32IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging13.83.448IEEE
33ACS Photonics13.21.692American Chemical Society
34Telematics and Informatics13.22.912Elsevier
35Vehicular Communications13.02.64Elsevier
36IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control12.92.747IEEE
37IEEE Transactions on Multimedia12.92.68IEEE
38IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing12.82.202IEEE
39International Journal of Robotics Research12.63.436SAGE
40IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems12.24.957IEEE
42Digest of Technical Papers – IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference11.82.615
44IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing11.52.451IEEE
45IET NanodielectricsOpen Access11.41.847Wiley-Blackwell
46IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics11.32.512IEEE
47IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing11.12.504IEEE
48IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification11.02.24IEEE
49Energy and Buildings10.92.129Elsevier
50IEEE Transactions on Communications10.91.914IEEE
Scopus indexed journals electrical engineering list

Frequently Asked Questions

How to check Scopus indexed journals?

Go to the official website of Scopus and enter a journal title to check its indexing and other details.check Scopus indexed journals

How to get the complete list of Scopus indexed journals electrical engineering Scopus indexed journals?

Visit the Scopus official website. Choose a Subject area and a value of the subject area from the drop-down boxes and finally click on apply button. For example, I have selected the chemistry subject to get the complete list of Scopus indexed journals in this subject.
download Scopus indexed journals list

Source: Scopus

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