Scopus indexed mathematics journals

A list of Scopus indexed mathematics journals. Researchers trust Scopus to provide reliable and comprehensive research performance data and analytics. Scopus is Elsevier’s citation database, launched in 2004. It covers nearly 36,377 journals from approximately 11,678 publishers in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, and health sciences.

This blog post aims to provide a list of mathematics journals indexed in Scopus. We are providing below the top 50 mathematics journals based on their CiteScore. We also describe below, in the Frequently Asked Questions section, how to download the complete list of Scopus indexed mathematics journals.

Sub subjects categories

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Computational Mathematics
  • Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
  • General Mathematics
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Mathematics (miscellaneous)

Top 50 Scopus indexed journals in Mathematics

Below we have listed the top 50 Scopus indexed mathematics journals. Many of these research journals are also indexed in Web of Science. To check the indexing of research journals, visit

S. No.Journal TitleCiteScoreSNIPPublisher
1IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence44.211.215IEEE
2Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science27.75.702Wiley-Blackwell
3Science Robotics25.75.246American Association for the Advancement of Science
4SIAM Review24.410.251Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
5Foundations and Trends in Programming Languages22.59.308Now Publishers Inc
6ACM Computing Surveys22.36.953ACM
7IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation21.85.208IEEE
8IEEE Signal Processing Magazine18.85.373IEEE
9IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems18.33.548IEEE
10Acta Numerica17.37.052Cambridge University Press
11Journal of Statistical Software (Open Access)17.07.237University of California Press
12IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine16.55.821IEEE
13Molecular Systems Biology (Open Access)15.62.323Wiley-Blackwell
14Virtual and Physical Prototyping15.52.209Taylor & Francis
15NPG Asia Materials (Open Access)15.31.992Springer Nature
16IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications15.22.43IEEE
17International Journal of Intelligent Systems14.81.718Wiley-Blackwell
18Computer Science Review14.65.672Elsevier
19Swarm and Evolutionary Computation12.72.9Elsevier
20International Journal of Robotics Research12.63.436SAGE
21Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing12.52.756Elsevier
22Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics (Open Access)12.41.719Elsevier
23Information Sciences12.12.585Elsevier
24Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering11.62.996Springer Nature
26IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing11.52.105IEEE
27IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica11.22.501IEEE
28Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application11.05.016Annual Reviews Inc.
29npj Computational Materials (Open Access)11.02.492Springer Nature
30IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology10.92.086IEEE
31Annals of Mathematics10.25.762Princeton University Press
32IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence10.22.846IEEE
33Bioinformatics9.92.056Oxford University Press
34Geoscientific Model Development (Open Access)9.92.025Copernicus
35Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems9.91.863Elsevier
36Journal of the American Mathematical Society9.86.428American Mathematical Society
37European Journal of Operational Research9.52.745Elsevier
38Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research (Open Access)9.42.027Walter de Gruyter
39IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing9.12.445IEEE
40Engineered Science9.03.758Engineered Science Publisher
41Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid MechanicsOpen Access8.93.098Taylor & Francis
42Nonlinear Dynamics8.91.639Springer Nature
43Scientific data (Open Access)8.92.72Springer Nature
44IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles8.82.438IEEE
45Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering8.71.396IOS Press
46ISA Transactions8.72.049Instrument Society of America
47Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making8.61.811Springer Nature
48International Journal of Fatigue8.62.292Elsevier
49Visualization in Engineering8.62.363Springer Nature
50Information Systems Frontiers8.52.153Springer Nature
Scopus indexed mathematics journals

Frequently Asked Questions

How to check Scopus indexed journals?

Go to the official website of Scopus and enter a journal title to check its indexing and other details.check Scopus indexed journals

How to get the complete list of mathematics Scopus indexed journals?

Visit the Scopus official website. Choose a Subject area and a value of the subject area from the drop-down boxes and finally click on apply button. For example, I have selected the chemistry subject to get the complete list of Scopus indexed journals in this subject.
download Scopus indexed journals list

Source: Scopus

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